Aerochk: security-check escalator


What is new? 
It is a product/process innovation.
Aerochk. This is the name of a security check escalator created in order to reduce waiting at airports. It is powered by artificial intelligence and face scanning which leads passengers to their departure gate. 
For whom is it new? 
Both, market and company. 

How new is it?
Radical. This innovation is a completely new way to check in, pass security and process through immigration at the airport.

What type of Innovation? 
We would say that it is an innovation of processes. 

What can you find about the background of the innovation?
The innovators wanted to reduce waiting time and delays during security check and check in which led to many missed flights. Therefore they created an escalator in order to save time and to provide more comfort to the customers. 
The innovation now can not only be used at airports, but also at ports, bus and rail stations which leads to increased security. 

Who was the innovator?
The innovators are the designers Ashish Thulkar (Industrial Designer from Bengaluru, India) and Charles Bombardier. They worked in collaboration with Canada-based Imaginactive. 

Story of the innovation?
We all know that security checks and check in at airports consumes plenty of time. This have led to many missed flights for million of passengers from all over the world. Anger and frustration are just 2 of many consequences. By using Aerochk, these problems can be reduced. The three steps including check in, pass security and proceed through immigration can now be done in less than a minute. Instead of waiting in several security lines, passenger now just walk towards the nearest Aerochk on their way to the boarding gate. Thereby customers need to scan their passports on the right side and place their luggage on the left side of the escalator. In the case of invalid documents, relevant authorities will be informed. All elevators are equipped with cameras and sensors. In addition the passengers´height and weight can be recorded in order to optimize the right balance of the aircraft. The luggage will be scanned and weight as usual. This new innovation is designed for everyone including children, pregnant women, disabled people and old people.

How has it been generated?
information not given 

Possible learnings about the innovation process (what does it need to develop an innovation like this?)
This innovation is a very new concept. By facing several problems like long waiting, delays, missed flights etc. designer came up with the idea to introduce Aerochk. This idea will lead to a more efficient outcome and increased safety. 

Selina and Valentina


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