Bakey´s - cutlery cou can eat

Edible Spoons 

What is new? 

An indian company called Bakey´s introduced edible spoons in order to reduce plastic pollution worldwide. Each year in the United States more than 40 billion plastic utensiles are used and thrown away. This is the reason why the innovators came up with a new innovation which are etible forks and spoons. 

For whom is it new? 

It is new for both, the market and the company. Of course, if you go to buy some ice cream you might get an edible cone. But this innovation can be used more than 3 years, if you don´t eat it before. 

How new is it?

It is incremental. 

What type of innovation? 

It is a product innovation.

What can you find about the background of the innovation?

For creating the product the innovator was inspired by his country´s problem concerning plastic waste. India needs around 120 billion plastic utensils each year. The innovator decided to change something by providing edible cutlery. 

Who was the innovator? 

Narayana Peesapaty. 

Story of the innovation? 

Plastic contains a lot of chemical particles in it which can lead to cancer. The innovators were trying to figure out how to stop both, harm the enviornment and people´s health. There was no alternative for plastic cutlery before. This is why Narayana Peesapaty and his team created "Bakey´s edible cutlery".

How has it been generated?

The cutlery is made out of wheat flours, rice and millet and was developed in 2010. It is mainly made wtih millet as the innovator didn´t want to put too much pressure on the water resources of India, which are already depleted. It can be eaten by vegans as well as no animal products are contained. It comes in three different flavours: plain, sweet and spicy. It´s estimated life is about three years and composes within 5 days after use. The utensiles cannot be reused. 

Possible learnings about the innovation process?

It is one step further in the the right direction concerning health and environment. We all should start thinking about how to live but not affecting the environment. With this innovation we slowly adapt to a new lifestyle.  

Selina and Valentina 


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